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Understand and Connect to the Medicine and Healing of Crystals


240 Pages, 5.5 x 8

Formats: EPUB, Mobipocket

EPUB, $9.99 (US $9.99) (CA $12.99)

Publication Date: October 2013

ISBN 9781925682014

Rights: WOR

Rockpool Publishing (Oct 2013)


eBook Editions Available

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Step-by-step instructions on how to connect to crystals' healing energies and powerful medicine Bringing a fresh, new approach to the world of crystals, this interactive book encourages readers to become actively involved in the process and experience the crystal energy for themselves. It lists all the popular crystals, and each is accompanied by a color photograph and instructions on how to connect with that crystal. The book also offers blank sections for recording this experience. It provides many case studies and stories showing how crystals have assisted in healing on a physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual level.

Author Biography

Rachelle is the founder of The Academy of Crystal Awakening in Australia. She is a passionate teacher who travels extensively. She was deeply inspired by her crystal healing teacher and master Maggie Vrinda Ross, who awakened her to the knowledge of the crystal kingdom. She worked for Hay house from 2001-2004 and was in charge of over 2000 certified Angel Intuitives as Doreen Virtues personal assistant, and has contributed a crystal guide in Angel Medicine, by Doreen Virtue.