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Cry from the Highest Mountain
Cry from the Highest Mountain

Cry from the Highest Mountain


256 Pages, 5.25 x 7.75

Formats: EPUB, Mobipocket, PDF

PDF, $9.99 (US $9.99) (CA $9.99)

Publication Date: August 2007

ISBN 9781908646415

Rights: US & CA

Eye Books (Aug 2007)


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Not yet published. Ships 8/1/2007.


Their goal was to raise money and awareness for the Tibetan cause. They chose to climb to the point furthest from the center of the Earth, some 2,150 meters higher than the summit of Everest to read out peace messages they had collected from children around the World in the lead up to the Millennium. Their mission was to promote Earth Peace by highlighting Tibet and the Dalai Lama's ideals as an arrow of light for the new millennium. Their team comprised of Tess, a 56 year old mother of three; Migmar, a young Tibetan prepared to do anything for his country but who had never been on a mountain before; GT, a 64 year old accomplished mountaineer; and Pete, who is Tess' partner and a highly skilled climber. For Tess, it became a struggle of body and mind, as she was symbolically compelled towards the highest point within herself.

Author Biography

Tess Burrows was born in Southern England in 1948, educated at Bedales School, gained a degree in Ecological Science from Edinburgh University and moved to Australia to grow trees. In 1984 she returned as the mother of three young boys. It was not until 1987 that she started climbing and after a number of unusual events raising funds for charity, knew that she could help the Earth—and make a difference. By 1998 it was time to help Tibet and world peace. In mountaineering terms she was not an experienced or even a good climber, nor did she have the strength of youth. But she was determined to fulfil her dream.

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