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Consumer Science for Marketing
Consumer Science for Marketing

Consumer Science for Marketing


196 Pages, 6.75 x 9.5

Trade Paper, $34.95 (US $34.95) (CA $46.95)

Publication Date: September 2021

ISBN 9788885486744

Rights: WOR X IT

EGEA Spa - Bocconi University Press (Sep 2021)

Not Yet Published. Estimated release date: September 2021


Consumer Science for Marketing considers the main topics of consumer psychology from the viewpoint of their contributions to marketing. While it aims at providing a comprehensive overview of the discipline, it also guides the reader through theories and data for a straightforward understanding of their practical applications. Readers will find the book useful as it merges the existing gap between psychological research and applications by discussing case histories and providing real life examples. It also clarifies what are the different fields within consumer psychology and how the different approaches relate to different methodologies and outcomes.

Author Biography

Nadia Olivero is Honorary Research Fellow at University College London and Senior Lecturer in Consumer Psychology at the University of Milan. Her widely interdisciplinary work has been awarded by the European Commission, the Economic and Social Research Council, the British Psychological Society and the ltalian Ministry of University and Research.

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