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Constellation Station
Constellation Station

Constellation Station

Book of Maps



54 Pages, 8 x 10

Paperback Picture Book, $22.99 (US $22.99) (CA $30.99)

Publication Date: October 2011

ISBN 9781925148459

Rights: WOR

IFWG Publishing International (Oct 2011)

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Constellation Station - Book of Maps Karl opened the book of maps. Inside, however, there were no maps. There seemed to be…a story! It began: Through his room window, Karl could see the night was thick, but he could see pinpoints of gold and patches of orange light scattered along the horizon. Soon, thought Karl, he would reach Constellation Station. He had been planning this trip for as long as he could remember and now, finally, his dream would become realized...

Author Biography

Gary Alexander Azerier is a native of New York City, and is a Broadcaster with an extensive background in radio journalism. After serving with the Informational Services Office of the Second U.S. Marine Division, Gary also taught English and Radio Communications on the university level in Boston and New York. He divides his time between his two homes in New York and Pennsylvania with his wife, Rose Ann, and has written four books: Nosebleeds from Washington Heights, a collection of short stories, 4313 & Beyond, an autobiography, Pineapple Grove and Other Short Stories, and with IFWG Publishing, the children’s book, Constellation Station (with Ioanny Dimov, illustrator). Born in Sofia, Bulgaria in 1985, and immigrating to the United States at a young age with his parents, Ioanny currently resides in San Francisco finishing up his illustration degree and working. He is an illustrator and concept artist who found his inspiration in science fiction and fantasy at a young age. Starting his academic career as an industrial designer he later found that illustration was his calling. His partial education as an industrial designer gives him an edge in designing futuristic space ships and technology.