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Con las manos
Con las manos

Con las manos

By Elena Bernabè, Translated by Jordi Pigem, Illustrated by Alba Azaola




40 Pages, 11 x 9.5

Formats: Trade Paper

Trade Paper, $18.00 (US $18.00) (CA $24.00)

Publication Date: May 2024

ISBN 9788418972324

Rights: US & CA

Akiara Books (May 2024)

Price: $18.00


This is a book about the creative movement of our hands, which allows us to transform pain, express our intuitions, accompany thoughts and emotions, and reach the deepest, truest, and wisest part of ourselves.

Author Biography

Elena Bernabè is an Italian psychologist and writer Jordi Pigem is a philosopher of science and writer. Alba Azaola is a Spanish biologist, oceanographer, and illustrator, specializing in scientific illustration.