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Common Core
Common Core

Common Core

Re-Imagining the Music Rehearsal and Classroom; Standards, Curriculum, Assessment, Instruction


136 Pages, 8.5 x 11

Formats: Spiral (Concealed Wire-O)

Spiral (Concealed Wire-O), $27.95 (US $27.95) (CA $33.95)

Publication Date: September 2014

ISBN 9781622771011

Rights: WOR

G.i.a. Publications, Inc. (Sep 2014)
GIA Publications

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It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change. - Charles Darwin; Teaching in the twenty-first century is a daunting yet exhilarating experience. It is daunting because a plethora of initiatives have been hurled at educators from every direction. Current and future music educators must continually adapt their teaching philosophies, strategies, rehearsals, music selection processes, assessment practices, and grading procedures to justify one of the most important subjects a student can study—music! Common Core: Re-Imagining the Music Rehearsal and Classroom—complete with workbook exercises and reflective questions—is about transforming a written document, The Common Core State Standards, into practical applications in the music classroom. Authors Paul and Ann Kimpton outline how to use the Common Core State Standards to help students develop a higher level of understanding of musical skills and content, to help students engage with music more deeply and with more meaning. Intended for K–16 music educators, administrators, and pre-service educators, this book is an excellent resource that can have a profound impact on the music classroom. 

Author Biography

Ann Kimpton is an assistant principal for curriculum and instruction, and former literacy department chair and teacher at a suburban Chicago high school. She is co-author of Grading for Musical Excellence and the Adventures with Music fiction series where the heroes are young musicians. She plays French horn. A music educator for thirty-three years, Paul Kimpton recently retired from his position as director of bands and department chair at a leading suburban Chicago high school. He is co-author of Scale Your Way to Music Assessment, Grading for Musical Excellence, and the Adventures with Music fiction series where the heroes are young musicians.