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Chinese Silk and the Silk Road
Chinese Silk and the Silk Road

Chinese Silk and the Silk Road


448 Pages, 6.25 x 9.25

Formats: Cloth

Cloth, $99.95 (US $99.95) (CA $134.95)

Publication Date: January 2020

ISBN 9781987821703

Rights: US & CA

Royal Collins Publishing Company (Jan 2020)

Price: $99.95


This is a monograph that gives a deep interpretation of the silk culture in ancient times and described the historical evolution of the clothes—basic elements of daily life, which all together displays the beauty of silk and the Silk Road.


"In this volume, the author, Director of the China National Silk Museum, presents the evidence for the development of Chinese silks from the earliest times down to the Ming and Qing dynasties, often illuminated by his first-hand experience at archaeological sites, personal viewing of pieces collected in museums, and descriptions from literature. In many cases, his encyclopedic knowledge of weaving techniques has enabled him to reconstruct complete patterns from fragments of the whole design. Each chapter is accompanied by references which will enable the interested reader to pursue individual subjects in more detail." —Roderick Whitfield Percival David Professor, Emeritus SOAS University of London

"The author uses unsophiscated expression and vivid examples to illustrate the history of the Silk Road, of which silk is the focus. He doesn't confine to the household stories around it. On the contray, apart from introducing some historical backgrounds, he puts more attention on the silk itself, which makes the work unique." —Rong Xinjiang, Professor of History Department Peking University

Author Biography

ZHAO FENG: Curator of China’s Silk Museum, researcher, Director of Chinese Textile Evaluation and Protection Center, Member of National Cultural Relics Evaluation Committee and Centre International d'Etudedes Textiles Anciens, Professor and Doctoral Supervisor of Donghua University, Author of Art History of Silk and Silk and Silk Road in the Tang Dynasty.