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Children as co-researchers
Children as co-researchers

Children as co-researchers

The need for protection

Protecting Children and Young People


118 Pages, 8.5 x 5.43

Trade Paper, $35.00 (US $35.00) (CA $43.00)

Publication Date: October 2014

ISBN 9781780460307

Rights: US & CA

Dunedin Academic Press (Oct 2014)
Liverpool University Press

Available from local and national retailers throughout the US.


Participatory approaches are becoming increasingly popular in research involving children. A growing trend is research by children where researchers engage or employ children as co-researchers or primary researchers.
Caroline Bradbury-Jones explores the ethical, methodological, practical and protection issues associated with this participatory approach and provides a range of practical solutions to these issues. Among the key issues that are discussed are those of assessing children’s competence; ensuring sufficient preparation; the balancing of insider/outsider perspectives; the need for appropriate remuneration; overcoming power differentials between children and adults and the safeguarding of the children working as co-researchers.
The author’s pragmatic approach and the solutions proposed to overcome the issues raised by such projects will assist researchers who engage with children as co-researchers to overcome the multiplicity of protection issues that are inherent within this participatory approach. As such it is a valuable resource for postgraduate students and academic staff from a range of disciplines, particularly health, social care and education who conduct research with children.


'The book is a valuable companion for researchers doing research with children (and not for them). It is not a manual, but a good mirror to be used to reflect your own challenges during the research processes. In addition, students could learn much about these complex matters by reading and discussing the book.'European Journal of Social Work'The absence of 'bells and whistles' in the title of this book may lead some potential readers to overlook an important publication in this field. Throughout, we are reminded of Piaget's (1929) work A Child's Conceptualisation of the World. Using his own children as co-researchers, he possessed the insight and patience to gain their perspectives and record them in an informative and non-judgemental way. In Children as Co-researchers, Bradbury-Jones highlights the paramount need to protect children and gain their informed involvement in research undertaken with them... The author highlights a frequent obvious oversight in conducting research about children; not actually exploring the relevant issues via interview with children. Bradbury-Jones rightly suggests that children are experts in child research and to study their experiences, children need to be supported and empowered as 'co-researchers'... Bradbury-Jones's book links theory with practice to inform postgraduate students and practitioners about the complexities involved in undertaking research relating to children. We consider that the book presents a necessary 'paradigm shift' wherein children involved in studies are empowered and informed participants.' BASPCAN E-Newsletter Spring 2017

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Author Biography

Caroline Bradbury-Jones is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work, University of Manchester.

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