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Catalyst of Miracles
Catalyst of Miracles

Catalyst of Miracles

The Unknown Claudio Naranjo

Consciousness Classics


272 Pages, 6 x 9

Formats: Trade Paper

Trade Paper, $24.95 (US $24.95) (CA $27.95)

Publication Date: September 2013

ISBN 9780895561640

Rights: WOR

Gateways Books & Tapes (Sep 2013)

Price: $24.95


Culled from the Festschrift articles collected for Claudio Naranjo's 70th birthday, this generous collection includes personal memoirs and reminiscences going back to his school days in Chile; testimonies on meetings and activities from the consciousness-raising group, Seekers After Truth; and professional articles by a wealth of Claudio's colleagues. A goldmine of biographical, professional, and personal information on one of the surviving pioneers of the Human Potential Movement in the United States, this historical account presents an inside look at a man whose spiritual ideas and therapeutic techniques crossed a multitude of borders and boundaries in order to touch people's lives.


(Following are the cover quotes excerpted from pieces in the book.) The most incredible thing is that with Claudio major things happen even if he doesn#&8217;t seem to do something special to make them happen. Ricardo Zerbetto from #&8220;A Dionysian Brujo#&8221; I believe that Claudio is truly a #&8220;Teacher's Teacher.#&8221; May he enjoy his wisdom years and continue to turn his own feet to the fire and offer his wisdom in its unvarnished and non-fantasy form#&8212;whether his associates appreciate it or not! I certainly do appreciate Claudio Naranjo, and I say, #&8220;Thank you, Claudio, for your efforts on behalf of all beings everywhere!#&8221; E.J. Gold from #&8220;Festshrift Tribute for Claudio Naranjo#&8217;s 70th Birthday#&8221; In the course of its evolution as a program for personal and professional development of therapists and teachers since its rebirth in the late eighties, I can say that the SAT process has evolved and become continuously enriched through many new initiatives of Claudio, one of which he calls the #&8220;psychotherapy laboratory,#&8221; in which people learn to help each other through the development of psychotherapeutic skills that do not require a background in the customary academic theoretical literature. He looks upon this way of teaching psychotherapy as a contribution to what he calls the #&8220;democratization of psychotherapy,#&8221; and also to a new approach to the education of future teachers, who may be able to assist their students in their personal growth. Reza Leah Landman from Witness at the Turning Point

Author Biography

David S. Flattery is a retired professor and a long-time colleague of Claudio Naranjo. He lives in El Cerrito, California.