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Casa de muñecas & Solness, el constructor
Casa de muñecas & Solness, el constructor

Casa de muñecas & Solness, el constructor

Letras Nordicas


240 Pages, 5.5 x 8.5

Formats: Trade Paper

Trade Paper, $23.00 (US $23.00) (CA $25.00)

Publication Date: October 2010

ISBN 9788492683291

Rights: US & CA

Nordica Libros (Oct 2010)

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A Doll’s House is considered by many to be the first truly feminist play, reaching its climax as protagonist Nora rejects her marriage and her smothering life. The Master Builder explores the needs of the artist versus those of society, as well as the limits of artistic creativity, as aging architect Halvard Solness feels pressure from a younger, more idealistic and ambitious generation of architects and fears the decay of his own creativity. Casa de muñecas es considerada por muchos como la primera obra teatral feminista, llegando a su clímax cuando la protagonista Nora rechaza su matrimonio y su vida sofocante. Solness, el constructor explora las necesidades del artista versus las de la sociedad, a la vez que los límites de la creatividad artística, mediante el envejeciente arquitecto Halvard Solness quien se siente presionado por una generación más joven, idealista y ambiciosa de arquitectos, y quien teme el decaimiento de su propia creatividad.


“The same as Shakespeare, Ibsen possessed the mysterious gift of the true playwright, who is capable of lavishing a person with more life than they themselves possess.” —Harold Bloom

Author Biography

Henrik Ibsen was an extremely influential Norwegian playwright who was largely responsible for the rise of the modern realistic drama. Cristina Gómez Baggethun is a translator. Ignacio García May is a Spanish playwright.