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Caring for Your Baby and Young Child
Caring for Your Baby and Young Child

Caring for Your Baby and Young Child

Birth to Age 5


935 Pages, 7.75 x 9.25

Formats: EPUB, PDF, Mobipocket

PDF, $24.00 (US $24.00) (CA $32.00)

Publication Date: October 2019

ISBN 9781610023443

Rights: WOR

American Academy of Pediatrics (Oct 2019)
American Academy Of Pediatrics


eBook Editions Available

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The seventh edition of Caring for Your Baby and Young Child, Birth to Age 5 is the gold-standard reference guide for parents from the most trusted source available - the 67,000-member American Academy of Pediatrics. Everything on basic childcare is covered in our newly revised and updated top-selling book, with new information on everything including allergies, vaccines, and probiotics. What’s the best way to prevent food allergies? How can you get your infant to sleep through the night? How can you keep your child from getting sick? How do you navigate screen time? How do you know if your child has ASD or ADHD, and how can you help? What environmental dangers should you be aware of for your child’s health? The answers to these questions - and thousands more - are delivered in a warm, accessible, user-friendly style. This eBook is divided into two parts: the first part provides everything a parent needs to know to take the best care of their child. The second part describes situations in depth - everything from colds to illnesses, allergies, and even environmental hazards. This is the trusted guide a parent turns to again and again as his or her baby grows.

Author Biography

Tanya Altmann, MD, FAAP, is a practicing pediatrician who founded Calabasas Pediatrics and is an assistant clinical professor at Mattel Children's Hospital at UCLA. She is also an American Academy of Pediatrics spokesperson and sits on the Editorial Advisory Board for Sharecare. Dr. Tanya is the author of Baby and Toddler Basics and What to Feed Your Baby. She lives in Calabasas, CA with her husband and 3 sons. The American Academy of Pediatrics is an organization of 67,000 primary care pediatricians, pediatric medical subspecialists and pediatric surgical specialists dedicated to the health, safety and well-being of infants, children, adolescents and young adults. The AAP is the largest pediatric publisher in the world, with a diverse list of resources that includes essential clinical and practice management titles and award-winning books for parents. David L. Hill, MD, FAAP is a pediatric hospitalist at Goldsboro Pediatrics in North Carolina and an adjunct assistant professor of pediatrics at the University of North Carolina School of Medicine. He is the author of Dad to Dad: Parenting Like a Pro and has appeared as an expert in national media outlets ranging from CNN to Fox News and from The New York Times to the Wall Street Journal. He lives in Wilmington, NC with his wife and has three children and two stepchildren.