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By Jorge Létria, Illustrated by André Létria, Translated by Olga Matons


36 Pages, 6.25 x 7.75

Formats: Cloth

Cloth, $17.95 (US $17.95) (CA $23.95)

Publication Date: October 2014

ISBN 9788416226009

Rights: US & CA

La Fragatina (Oct 2014)

Price: $17.95


There are a few things that differentiate us from one another: the color of our hair, our eyes, the size of our noses, our smiles. Although these are only minor differences, they give us personality and tell us things about ourselves, our family, and our friends. The book uses this idea to allow the reader to combine a multitude of features through play and imagination, creating 4,096 characters with specific stories.

Author Biography

Jorge Létria studied law and history, and received a master’s in International Journalism. He has written for newspapers, radio, and television. He is also the author of poetry, fiction, and drama and his works have won numerous awards and been translated into several languages. André Letria has illustrated texts written by many different authors. His work has been exhibited at Frankfurt Book Fair, the Biennale of Bratislava, and the Centro Cultural de Belem in Portugal. Among many other awards, he received the National Prize for Illustration in Portugal.