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Caperucita Roja
Caperucita Roja

Caperucita Roja



12 Pages, 7 x 9

Formats: Cloth

Cloth, $10.95 (US $10.95) (CA $14.95)

Publication Date: October 2017

ISBN 9788416507054

Rights: US & CA

Malpaso Editorial (Oct 2017)

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Once upon a time… our parents read us fairy tales that enchanted and terrified us at the same time. Now, Little Red Riding Hood is back in an illustrated fold-out version that pairs the story with fun extra curiosities about the characters and village, and even Grandmother's cake recipe!

Author Biography

Sergio García is a Spanish comics artist. He studied graphic arts at the University of Granada, where he is currently a professor. In addition to numerous books of comics, he is also the author of Anatomía de una historieta and Historia de una página, both theoretical texts about comics. Lola Moral is an artist and children's book author. She studied fine arts at the University of Granada. The two have collaborated on various books, including Los 3 caminos, Dexter London, and Mono&Lobo.