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Campos Formativos 2
Campos Formativos 2

Campos Formativos 2


Campos formativos


112 Pages, 8.25 x 10.75

Formats: Trade Paper

Trade Paper, $2.19 (US $2.19) (CA $2.99)

Publication Date: October 2022

ISBN 9786072118898

Rights: US & CA X PR

Ediciones Larousse (Oct 2022)

Price: $2.19


Serie de libros de actividades para niños en etapa preescolar que toma en cuenta los campos de formación académica, así como las áreas de desarrollo personal y social para apoyar y facilitar la labor docente y educativa, tanto de los educadores como de los padres de familia.

Series of activity books for preschool children that takes into account the fields of academic training, as well as the areas of personal and social development to support and facilitate the teaching and educational work of both educators and parents.

Author Biography

Ediciones Larousse se dedica a compartir contenido cultural, educativo y de entretenimiento, en toda América Latina de habla hispana.

Ediciones Larousse is dedicated to sharing cultural, educational and entertainment content throughout Spanish-speaking Latin America.