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Call of the North Wind
Call of the North Wind

Call of the North Wind

Voyages and Adventures on Lake Superior


212 Pages, 6 x 9

Trade Paper, $16.95 (US $16.95) (CA $25.95)

Publication Date: July 1996

ISBN 9780943400907

Rights: WOR

Marlor Press, Inc. (Jul 1996)
Marlor Press

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In Call of the North Wind, the author retraces voyages of lost ships, early explorers and heroic sea captains in a rich narrative of adventure and history of Lake Superior. As he sails along the Shipwreck Coast in a 35-foot catamaran, Marlin Bree goes on the track of the Edmund Fitzgerald and reconstructs the last hours of the giant boat—and meets up with some of the infamous storms that took it down with the loss of all hands. He delves into the legends and folklore of the first explorers of the Big Lake and the incredible Warriors of the Storm (They had to go out—they didn't have to come back.) A fascinating voyage that will fascinate and sometimes surprise you.


"Adventure, travel...unusual shipwrecks and doomed crews. Fascinating."  —Wisconsin Bookwatch

"Should delight Lake Superior buffs, particularly those who love the...Apostle Island area and are fascinated by shipwrecks."  —Minneapolis Star Tribune

Author Biography

Marlin Bree is the author of numerous boating books including Broken Seas, Call of the North Wind, In the Teeth of the Northeaster, Wake of the Green Storm, the Boat Log & Record, the Dangerous Book for Boaters, and co-authored Alone Against the Atlantic with sailor Gerry Spiess. He is the two-time winner of Boating Writers International's Grand Prize Award for outstanding maritime journalism. He contributes to numerous magazines including the Ensign, Small Craft Advisor, and Cruising World. He is a former editor of the Sunday magazine for the Minneapolis Tribune.