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Cada oveja con su pareja
Cada oveja con su pareja

Cada oveja con su pareja


12 Pages, 10.25 x 9.5

Formats: Board Book

Board Book, $9.95 (US $9.95) (CA $12.95)

Publication Date: April 2014

ISBN 9788494250224

Rights: US & CA

La Fragatina (Apr 2014)

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You have to be careful when pairing adult animals with their children to avoid any mistakes. The chick with the chicken, the lamb with the sheep, and the foal? The piglet? Think carefully or else you could make a mess! If you fail to unite the baby with their mother, this book will teach you a beautiful song to fix the mix-up.

Author Biography

Estrella Ortiz Arroyo is an actress, writer, and narrator. She began as a storyteller at the Children’s Literature Seminar of Guadalajara as well as the Public Library of Guadalajara before she became a writer. Paloma Valdivia is a designer for the Catholic University in Chile. She received a postgraduate degree in illustration and has won various awards for her work.