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Broadmoor Sinister
Broadmoor Sinister

Broadmoor Sinister

Sanctuary or Hell for the Criminally Insane


240 Pages, 5 x 7.75

Trade Paper, $15.95 (US $15.95) (CA $20.95)

Publication Date: April 2022

ISBN 9781913543716

Rights: US & CA

Palazzo Editions (Apr 2022)
Ad Lib Publishers

Not Yet Published. Estimated release date: April 2022


Boris Coster is perhaps the world's leading authority on what was previously known as the 'Broadmoor Criminal Lunatic Asylum'. His in-depth research into the history, beginning in the middle of the eighteenth century, of what we might call 'The Mother of all British Asylums', tells the reader its remarkable 157-year history, the good and bad times, and its terrifying times, to its closure when the Commission for Healthcare Improvement declared it unfit for purpose in 2003.This so-called 'high-security facility', Broadmoor, has housed and treated some of the most notoriously evil, mentally deranged killers in the black annals of British criminal history – the Devil’s spawn – yet, while the majority were safely incarcerated behind the grim walls and glistening wire, others were freed to kill again and again, to terrorise communities, most shockingly with no accountability at all.Bestselling true crime author Christopher Berry-Dee brings to Broadmoor Sinister his own unique talents: psychopathological studies of the killers and comparisons with others of their same twisted ilk overseas, taking the reader on a dark journey inside the heads of these monsters.

Author Biography

A noted writer and criminologist, Christopher Berry-Dee's recent books include Talking With Psychopaths and Savages, the UK's bestselling true-crime title of 2017, and Talking With Female Serial Killers. He is the UK's No. 1 true crime author. Boris Coster is a writer and social historian, and the world's leading authority on the history of Broadmoor Hospital.