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Birgit Werres
Birgit Werres

Birgit Werres

Cat. Kunstverein Heilbronn / Kunstverein Schwäbisch Hall / Märkisches Museum Witten


128 Pages, 8.5 x 10.75

Formats: Cloth

Cloth, $34.95 (US $34.95) (CA $46.95)

Publication Date: September 2021

ISBN 9783864423413

Rights: US & CA

Snoeck Publishing Company (Sep 2021)

Price: $34.95


Birgit Werres can do magic. She manages to transform a simple wire into a sweeping line in space, to unite a ball of tension belts in the dynamic and complex interplay of forms, colors, and textures of a cotton net. Playful and austere, her works unfold a dynamic in the space, which may be described by the fullness of movement of the Baroque just as much as by a minimalist decision that seeks to dispense with everything unnecessary and trusts in the potential of the material. Since the 1990s, the artist has been roaming the streets, construction sites, industrial wastelands, factories, and production facilities in search of materials for her sculptures and wall objects. For she practices recycling of an entirely different kind: metals, plastics, containers, wire, and indefinable "stuff." These are telling relics, remnants that bear traces of use, minimalist as well as beautiful! It carries a story within itself and at the same time becomes an object that assumes a new position.

Author Biography

Matthia Loebke, born 1963, artistic director of the Kunstverein Heilbronn, is curator and publishes monographic catalogs. Dirk Steimann (born 1967) is a business economist, art historian, author, curator, and was museum director at the Märkisches Museum Witten from until 2018. Since 2018 he is now head of the Resort for Culture and Tourism in Schwaebisch Hall. Christiane Meyer-Stoll is a German art historian. She has been working as a curator at the Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein since 2000 and is a member of the management team there. With Snoeck, she has published a pioneering monograph on Gary Kuehn.