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Biografia de un Cimarron
Biografia de un Cimarron

Biografia de un Cimarron


240 Pages, 8.25 x 11.5

Formats: Trade Paper

Trade Paper, $22.95 (US $22.95) (CA $30.95)

Publication Date: January 2014

ISBN 9789597230014

Rights: US & CA

Corporativo V y T (Jan 2014)
Ediciones Cubanas

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"[It is] a monologue that escapes any mechanism of literary creation and nevertheless, is inscribed in the literature by virtue of its poetic projections"—Alejo Carpentier.

Author Biography

Miguel Barnet Lanza is a poet, narrator, essayist and ethnologist. He has investigated different sources of Cuban culture, and he was disciple of Fernando Ortiz. His work Biografía de un cimarrón is a classic of Cuban literature. In 2002, The International Book Fair was dedicated to him in recognition of his life and work. He is the founder of UNEAC and is its current President by election. He occupies Armchair B as a member of the Cuban Academy of Language.