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Being with Others
Being with Others

Being with Others

Curses, spells and scintillations



248 Pages, 5.5 x 8.5

Formats: Trade Paper

Trade Paper, $20.00 (US $20.00) (CA $27.00)

Publication Date: June 2021

ISBN 9781913743215

Rights: US & CA

Triarchy Press Ltd (Jun 2021)

Price: $20.00


How the hidden drives and motivations of the Trimotive Brain keep us 'in threat,' cast a spell on our lives, and shape the patterns of our relationships—and 4 Perception Practices we can use to change those patterns. Many of our significant relationships are based not on trust and respect but on an unconscious compulsion to deny our problems, flaws, and fears. We see the consequences at home and at work, where we repeat the same mistakes and act out familiar patterns of behaviour with our partners, friends, and colleagues in ways that leave us stressed and unhappy. In Being with Others, psychotherapist and business psychologist Nelisha Wickremasinghe explores how it is impossible to build healthy relationships when our brains and bodies are in threat. Following on from her acclaimed book Beyond Threat, she unravels why so many of us are often in threat, and how we can overcome these feelings to find freedom, authenticity, and forgiveness in our relationships. In Being with Others we learn how to recognise our curses, cast off the spells, and wake up to the scintillations of insight that can deepen our relationships.

Author Biography

Nelisha Wickremasinghe is a psychologist, entrepreneur, educator, and international leadership/organisational change consultant who has worked in the field of human development for 25 years. She has a Master's and Doctorate in organisational change. Dr. Wickremasinghe works internationally with large corporates teaching and consulting on healthy growth. She is currently an Associate Fellow at Oxford University's Saïd Business School where she facilitates sessions for business leaders on the neurobiology of personal and team resilience. She is Founding Director of The Dialogue Space.