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Bearn o la sala de las muñecas
Bearn o la sala de las muñecas

Bearn o la sala de las muñecas


340 Pages, 5.5 x 8.25

Formats: Cloth

Cloth, $26.00 (US $26.00) (CA $35.00)

Publication Date: August 2020

ISBN 9788416665587

Rights: US & CA

Malpaso Editorial (Aug 2020)

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Considered a masterpiece of Catalan literature, this book was originally published in Spanish in 1956. Villalonga decided to translated it into Catalan, perhaps to distance it from the social realism that dominated Spanish literature in the 1950s. Now, in its original version, it's now receiving the recognition that its contemporaries failed to give it.

Author Biography

Llorenç Villalonga was a Majorcan author who is considered among the most important of the post-Spanish Civil War era. His other books include Mort de dama and Mallorca.

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