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Asylum-Seeking Families
Asylum-Seeking Families

Asylum-Seeking Families

Issues of culture, race and trust

Protecting Children and Young People


140 Pages, 5.43 x 8.5

Trade Paper, $32.00 (US $32.00) (CA $43.00)

Publication Date: October 2019

ISBN 9781780460864

Rights: US & CA

Dunedin Academic Press (Oct 2019)
Liverpool University Press

Not Yet Published. Estimated release date: October 2019


The issue of migration and asylum seeking has received increasing attention in the wider arena of international human rights and social service provision practice. Positioned within a liberal understanding of human rights and equality framework, providing asylum seekers with sanctuary is understood as an act of adhering to supranational and international humanitarian obligations. The issues generated by the culturally influenced needs of some asylum seekers have however challenged host countries’ social service institutions; where social work interventions and organisational contexts may still be based on the assumptions of European monocultural traditions. These may not be universally appropriate for service provision to all cultures.
Colletta Dalikeni supports readers who wish to understand the challenges of culturally different asylum-seeking families. These families engage, or are required to engage, with child protection social workers. She does so by framing such issues as the reception and integration of asylum-seeking families, in the context of social exclusion, marginalisation, mutual cultural incomprehension, health and wellbeing.
This book has a clear agenda. On the one hand, it aims to contribute to the field of research by addressing the silence in current literature on the perspective of African asylum-seeking families. On the other hand, it allows the voices of those on society’s margins to be heard in the creation of knowledge. As such, the author employs a progressive approach to develop understanding of child protection issues within the context of asylum-seeking communities.

Author Biography

Dr Colletta Dalikeni is a lecturer in Social Care Work at Dundalk Institute of Technology and a visiting social work lecturer at Trinity College Dublin. Her research interests include study of social work with asylum seekers, race, racism and culture. She is currently involved in collaborative Erasmus Plus funded EU projects aimed at developing innovative intervention methods of raising awareness on the ongoing crisis of asylum-seekers and potential successful integration models in the host countries. Colletta currently serves on the Board of Directors of the Irish Association of Social Workers.