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Art Nouveau
Art Nouveau

Art Nouveau

Art Periods & Movements Flexi


Formats: Flexibound

Flexibound, (US $14.95) (CA $19.95)

Publication Date: October 2019

ISBN 9783741924217

Rights: WOR X FR

Koenemann (Oct 2019)

Available from local and national retailers throughout the US.


Art Nouveau was a phenomenon with many faces. Between 1890 and 1910, artists developed a variety of styles from the plant-like forms of the Belgian-French Art Nouveau to the ornamentation of the Viennese Secession. They were all striving to create a new, modern style and pursued a comprehensive renewal of art and, in some countries, also a renewed national identity.

Author Biography

Art historian Uta Hasekamp edits and translates publications related to the history of art and writes, in particular, on older art and horticulture.