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Armoured Defence
Armoured Defence

Armoured Defence

Robert Irwin Dinosaur Hunter


90 Pages, 5 x 8

Formats: Trade Paper

Trade Paper, $7.99 (US $7.99) (CA $9.99)

Publication Date: July 2014

ISBN 9781742750910

Rights: US & CA

Penguin Random House Australia (Jul 2014)
Random House Australia

Price: $7.99


Robert Irwin travels back in time with his real-life best friend, in his third wild adventure

Robert and his best friend Riley are visiting the Canadian badlands in Alberta with Riley's Uncle Nate. The badlands are home to more than 35 different species of dinosaur fossils. Robert and Riley get pulled back in time to Alberta, Canada during the Late Cretaceous period, to find a heavily armored euoplocephalus trapped in vines. The rescue doesn't go according to plan when a ferocious gorgosaurus arrives on the scene, looking for a snack.

Author Biography

Robert Irwin is the son of the late Steve Irwin, the Crocodile Hunter, and has been involved with caring for wildlife and promoting conservation from a very early age. He loves nothing more than catching lizards and skinks, learning about wildlife, and hanging out with his sister, Bindi, with whom he made a cameo appearance in Free Willy: Escape from Pirate's Cove. Both Wildlife Warriors, Bindi and Robert received the "Biggest Greenies" award at the Nickelodeon Kids Choice Awards in 2009, and were inducted into the "Hall of Slime" in 2011.

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