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My First Discoveries


36 Pages, 6.5 x 7

Formats: Spiral (Concealed Wire-O)

Spiral (Concealed Wire-O), $19.99 (US $19.99) (CA $26.99)

Publication Date: December 2015

ISBN 9781851034321

Rights: US & CA

Moonlight Publishing (Dec 2015)

Price: $19.99


Learn all about ants, one of the strongest and most well-organized of creatures on the planet

This book provides a vivid visual demonstration on why the reputation of ants for organization and hard work is fully justified. They live in large communities and build impressive homes in the form of anthills with multiple chambers inside. There are 12000 different kinds of ants, some carnivorous, who eat other insects, and some vegetarian. They are remarkable in being able to carry objects as much eight times their size and 20 times their own weight. They show clear signs of intelligent communication and high levels of collaboration. Yet for some other animals and birds ants are simply their favorite food!

Author Biography

Rene Mettler is the author of Birds, The Egg, and The Jungle.