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Antiguamente el viento
Antiguamente el viento

Antiguamente el viento

By Pablo Albo, Illustrated by Aitana Carrasco


32 Pages, 10.25 x 9.5

Formats: Cloth

Cloth, $16.95 (US $16.95) (CA $22.95)

Publication Date: February 2013

ISBN 9788493983383

Rights: US & CA

La Fragatina (Feb 2013)

Price: $16.95


Since he was young, the wind has been crazy and quite the prankster. He created many tremendous messes. Once, he shifted a house onto a different lot and it created a lot of fuss. On another occasion, he moved a great heap of snow so they could no longer play, and the people took action. So now the wind is much more calm, and dedicates his time to making the blades of the windmills spin, making kites fly, making hats fly off heads and other minor occurrences.

Author Biography

Pablo Albo studied social work at the University of Alicante and has written more than thirty children’s books that have been translated into various languages. Aitana Carrasco received a degree in fine arts from the Polytechnic University of Valencia. Her work has won various awards such as the White Ravens Award in 2009 and 2010.