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Angelika Kauffmann
Angelika Kauffmann

Angelika Kauffmann

Artist Monographs


216 Pages, 7.1 x 7.1

Cloth, $9.95 (CA $12.95) (US $9.95)

Publication Date: October 2026

ISBN 9783741925986

Rights: US, CA, SEA, JP, KR & CN

Koenemann (Oct 2026)

Not Yet Published. Estimated release date: October 2026


Angelica Kauffman, born in 1714, is considered one of the most successful female artists of her time. With unparalleled talent and ambition she planned and pursued her artistic path with determination. Among other places, she lived in Rome, where she worked for high-ranking clients. In London, Angelica Kauffman made a brilliant career as a portraitist and–unusual for women–also created works of history painting.

Author Biography

Art historian Uta Hasekamp edits and translates publications related to the history of art and writes, in particular, on older art and historic gardens.