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144 Pages, 6.1 x 8.1

Formats: Trade Paper, Mobipocket, EPUB

Trade Paper, $20.00 (US $20.00) (CA $20.00)

Publication Date: October 2012

ISBN 9781927040409

Rights: WOR X CA

Book*hug Press (Oct 2012)


eBook Editions Available

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Price: $20.00


Agony is the first in a trilogy of long confessional poems. It uses semi-rigorous mathematical and logical constraints to view the author's life and body, telescopically, as little bits of time and space. Everything written here is as true as possible - that is to say, pretty true. It attempts autobiography as a refutation of autobiography, and an elevation of the self as self-effacement. Love pops up as a theme quite a bit. So does self-mutilation, etc. There are a lot of numbers, but don't worry, it's more about politics and fantasy than numbers, even though, as usual, they show up everywhere. Just like pieces of your body after you've cut them off and scattered them all over the world, and then go out looking for them again, for some reason.

Author Biography

Steven Zultanski is the also the author of Pad and Cop Kisser. He co-curates the Segue Reading Series and occasionally curates and edits other things too. He lives in New York City.