Change your life through the cosmic power of positivity, one affirmation and one day at a time.AstroAffirmations offers up an astrological affirmation every day of the year designed to empower, to uplift, to inspire and to move. A further ‘birthday affirmation’ is given on each date to resonate with those celebrating their birthday. These simple phrases reflect the ‘astrological weather’ of each of the 12 signs of the zodiac, the particular characteristics of the energy they represent, which of the 12 houses they rule and the planetary impact of each sign’s ruling planet. They will help to build confidence, challenge negative thoughts, overcome self-sabotage and cultivate more awareness of the positive things already happening in your life. Even as the world changes (for better or worse), affirmations can be used to adapt, motivate and cheer you on to rise to whatever the occasion requires.This is the perfect bedside table companion, open the book to reveal insightful advice to set you up for the day ahead. AstroAffirmations will push you to be your best self and live your best life.Author Biography
Stella Andromeda estudia astrología desde hace más de treinta años y está convencida de la utilidad de conocer las constelaciones celestes y sus posibles interpretaciones psicológicas. La traducción de sus estudios en libros ofrece una visión moderna y accesible de la antigua sabiduría de las estrellas, que transmite su firme convicción de que la reflexión y el autoconocimiento nos hacen más fuertes. Con su sol en Tauro, ascendente Acuario y Luna en Cáncer, utiliza la tierra, el aire y el agua para inspirar su viaje astrológico personal.
Stella Andromeda has studied astrology for more than thirty years and is particularly interested in the connection between celestial constellations and their psychological interpretations. The translation of her studies into her books offers a modern and accessible vision of the ancient wisdom of the stars, conveying her firm conviction that reflection and self-knowledge make us stronger. With her Sun in Taurus, Aquarius Rising, and Moon in Cancer, she uses the earth, air, and water to inspire her personal astrological journey.