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Adivina... ¿Quién soy? Chef
Adivina... ¿Quién soy? Chef

Adivina... ¿Quién soy? Chef


Los oficios


8 Pages, 6.5 x 9

Formats: Trade Paper

Trade Paper, $1.95 (US $1.95) (CA $2.95)

Publication Date: October 2021

ISBN 9786072108332

Rights: US & CA X PR

Ediciones Larousse (Oct 2021)

Price: $1.95


Through questions and drawings, this book gives children clues to discover the trades. As they try to discover the identity of the character who creates the clothes we wear, they learn about the materials they use, their workplace and the situations that may arise in their work. Simple text and colorful illustrations throughout encourage curiosity and reading practice. It also includes challenges that are ideal for children to carry out activities supported by parents, which generates rapprochement and coexistence between parents and children. At the end of the book there is a guide for parents with tips on how to make learning effective for children.

Author Biography

Ediciones Larousse was established in Mexico in 1965 to create products for the Mexican market. Today, it is a leader in practically every market in which it participates: dictionaries, practical, reference, cookery, language, children's and textbooks.

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