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Acelerar el metabolismo para quemar grasas
Acelerar el metabolismo para quemar grasas

Acelerar el metabolismo para quemar grasas

El programa revolucionario de calorías negativas


80 Pages, 5.5 x 8.5

Formats: Trade Paper

Trade Paper, $6.95 (US $6.95) (CA $8.95)

Publication Date: November 2008

ISBN 9789876340984

Rights: WOR

Ediciones Lea (Nov 2008)

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It's not necessary to follow complicated diets in order to lose weight—the key, simply, is to ingest fewer calories than the body consumes. This guide presents delicious recipes that include the 19 known hypo caloric foods, those that require more caloric output to consume than they contain, and that are therefore key to a weight loss-oriented eating program.

Author Biography

Anne Winwood is a distinguished American nutritionist. She is the director of the Sport Nutrition Center in New York City and is the author of various books about nutrition.