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A Profile of Hong Kong
A Profile of Hong Kong

A Profile of Hong Kong

During Times Past, Times Current, and Its Quest of a Future Maintaining Hong Kong’s Liberty



300 Pages, 5.5 x 8.25

Formats: EPUB, Cloth

Cloth, $24.95 (US $24.95) (CA $33.95)

Publication Date: April 2022

ISBN 9780825309496

Rights: WOR

Beaufort Books (Apr 2022)


eBook Editions Available

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A Profile of Hong Kong provides a detailed history of colonialism in Hong Kong that still reverberates today. Despite this tumultuous history, there are many things that make Hong Kong special and worth fighting for. For over 100 years, the Hong Kong people have been fighting for liberty despite the constant oppression from other countries. Bruce Herschensohn shows how years of riots and protests demonstrate the resilience of the Hong Kong people and the determination to make their country belong to them.

With compelling firsthand accounts, A Profile of Hong Kong explores the history of this political entity from a 99-year treaty to the handover to the recent powerful protests for liberty. Herschensohn emphasizes the irony of the Chinese government coming to Hong Kong, the majority of whose people had fled from that same government, and how these very people are once again facing oppression from this repressive government.

Herschensohn includes through descriptions of the changes for Hong Kong people that were put into place 100 years ago as well as descriptions of major international figures in the complicated history of Hong Kong. While there are large effects of other countries on Hong Kong, Hong Kong has also had effects on other countries.

“Once you have visited Hong Kong. it would never stop visiting you.”


"The late Bruce Herschensohn shows that Hong Kong succeeds 'not just because of some capitalist equation, but because its way of life helps to sustain its prosperity, as well as its prosperity helping to sustain its way of life.'" —The Objective Standard

Author Biography

Bruce Herschensohn was a fixture in American politics. He received the Distinguished Service Medal, served as Deputy Special Assistant to President Nixon, was selected as one of the Ten Outstanding Young Men in the Federal Government, traveled to over ninety countries of the world, worked with Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, and was appointed to the Reagan Transition Team. He was a political commentator on KABC-TV and KABC-Radio. Herschensohn was the 1992 Republican nominee for the U.S. Senate in California, and also had a long, distinguished teaching career. He has taught at the School of Public Policy at Pepperdine University where he was Chairman of the Board, and a Senior Fellow. Herschensohn was an Associate Fellow of the Nixon Foundation and served on the Board of Directors of the Center for Individual Freedom.