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A London Peculiar
A London Peculiar

A London Peculiar

The London You Shouldn't Miss


272 Pages, 6.69 x 8.29

Trade Paper, $16.99 (US $16.99) (CA $22.95)

Publication Date: May 2015

ISBN 9781742575735

Rights: US & CA

New Holland Publishers (May 2015)

Available from local and national retailers throughout the US.


London Peculiar introduces the reader to a vast array of London’s most bizarre, curious and intriguing sights. These quirky peculiarities include buildings, objects, institutions and spaces. The history and reason for being of each is examined in detail and all are illustrated with contemporary images.Entertaining and informative, London Peculiar is arranged according to district and includes:•Jeremy Bentham’s skeleton at University College, London;•George Washington’s statue and his wish to never set foot on British soil;•Postman’s Park and its memorials;•St. Clement Danes – The church that inspired the modern tiered wedding cake;•London’s only ‘split’ pub, divided across two sides of an alley;•The Duke of Welllington’s mounting stones;•The fake houses of London;•The Necropolis Railway (for coffins);•A nightclub in a lavatory

Author Biography

Rafe Heydel-Mankoo is a leading royal commentator and a popular choice with international media, providing expert analysis, interviews and commentary.  An expert in monarchy, protocol, honours and traditions, Rafe is the former editor of the critically acclaimed Burke's World Orders of Knighthood & Merit and has advised various governments on policy matters.  He is a trustee of the Canadian Royal Heritage Trust and a Research Associate at the leading public policy think tank ResPublica.