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A Fighting Chance
A Fighting Chance

A Fighting Chance


288 Pages, 6.1 x 9.2

Cloth, $29.99 (US $29.99) (CA $32.95)

Publication Date: May 2004

ISBN 9781844540440

Rights: US, CA & CAR

Bonnier Books UK (May 2004)
John Blake

Available from local and national retailers throughout the US.


Ray "Duch" Peter has been dealt a harsh hand in life. Born a Thalidomide baby, his physical deformities led to his parents rejecting him from the moment of his birth. Ray was passed from pillar to post, never having the head start of a secure and steady upbringing. Instead he was shunted between foster parents and children's homes, unable to settle. Then personal tragedy struck and the death of his young child sent him into the depths of despair. His life began to spiral out of control, but ever the fighter, he clawed his way back from the edge of the precipice. Now one of London's top bouncers, you can be sure there'll be no trouble on his patch. A Fighting Chance is the uplifting true story of one man's struggle to survive despite having the odds stacked against him. It is a tale of rejection, hardship, anger, violence and, above all, courage and triumph.