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A Death in Hong Kong
A Death in Hong Kong

A Death in Hong Kong

The MacLennan Case of 1980 and the Suppression of a Scandal


Formats: PDF

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Publication Date: March 2018

ISBN 9789629375386

Rights: US & CA

City University of Hong Kong Press (Mar 2018)

Not yet published. Ships 3/1/2018.


In January 1980 a young police officer named John MacLennan committed suicide in his Ho Man Tin flat. His death came mere hours before he was to be arrested for committing homosexual acts still, at that point, illegal in Hong Kong. But this was more than the desperate act of a young man, ashamed and afraid; both his death and the subsequent investigation were a smokescreen for a scandal that went to the heart of the establishment.

Author Biography

Nigel Collett, a retired lieutenant-colonel of the British Brigade of Gurkhas now a biographer based in Hong Kong, is the author of The Butcher of Amritsar (2006), a life of General Dyer, perpetrator of the Amritsar massacre, and of Firelight of a Differe