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50 Tunisian Stitches
50 Tunisian Stitches

50 Tunisian Stitches


48 Pages, 8.5 x 10.75

Formats: PDF, Trade Paper

Trade Paper, $12.95 (US $12.95) (CA $15.95)

Publication Date: January 2014

ISBN 9781596359314

Rights: US & CA

Annie's (Jan 2014)

Price: $12.95


Perfect for anyone wanting a library of unique Tunisian stitches, this guide teaches the basic simple, knit, purl, reverse, extended simple, double, full, and twisted stitches that are then used to create the other, more complicated stitches. A Getting Started introduction with helpful illustrations and photos is followed by four beautiful designs: a keyhole scarf, a roll brim hat, a mobius shawl, and a beautiful readers wrap. Each design is made using medium-weight yarn and fits most adults.

Author Biography

Darla J. Fanton has been a needlework designer for more than 25 years and is best known for her pioneering work with the double-ended crochet hook. Her credits include designs for yarn manufacturers, numerous magazine articles, and contributions to books. She teaches classes at crochet conferences around the country as well as at her local yarn store, The Knitting Bee. She lives in Portland, Oregon.