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40 and Still Fabulous
40 and Still Fabulous

40 and Still Fabulous

How to look and feel great during the best years of your life


192 Pages, 6.0 x 7.5

Trade Paper, $16.95 (US $16.95) (CA $22.95)

Publication Date: January 2009

ISBN 9781741107128

Rights: US & CA

New Holland Publishers (Jan 2009)

Available from local and national retailers throughout the US.


In days gone by turning 40 meant slowing down, emptying your nest and lamenting the passing of your youth. But today, many forty somethings are just as likely to be marrying for the first time, starting a family, launching their own business, or getting that top job in a major international corporation. Forty, it seems, is the new 30.As entertaining as it is informative, Forty and Still Fabulous gives fortysomething women all the tools they need to keep looking and feeling fantastic through what will probably be the most rewarding years of their lives. Health and lifestyle journalist Joanna E. Hall asks the top international experts about improving and caring for fortysomething skin and gets the inside scoop on hair, fashion and makeup. She tackles the pros and cons of cosmetic rejuvenation (surgical and otherwise) and reveals all about the most effective diet and fitness techniques. Sex, health and happiness are also on the agenda, as well as the best ways to manage money and how to face the singles scene.

Author Biography

Joanna E. Hall is a well-known freelance journalist who writes for major newspapers and magazines throughout the world - Specialising in health, beauty, lifestyle and travel, Joanna believes turning 40 is a magnificent opportunity to take life by the horns and be fabulous-the rehearsals are over and it's time for the main act!

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