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18 escritores
18 escritores

18 escritores

La novela latinoamericana contemporánea

By Paz Balmaceda, Prologue by Lolita Bosch, Contributions by Colectivo Fu


248 Pages, 4.75 x 6.25

Formats: Trade Paper

Trade Paper, $16.95 (US $16.95) (CA $18.95)

Publication Date: March 2013

ISBN 9788492979073

Rights: US & CA

Ediciones Barataria (Mar 2013)

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The conversations that are collected in this volume served as the centerpiece for the Fet a Amèrica literary festival that took place in 2010 in Barcelona and present 18 unique voices in contemporary Latin American literature. Authors from countries including Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, and Venezuela were paired off and invited to share their thoughts on the creative process of writing a novel; the subsequent discussions were moderated by up-and-coming Chilean editor Paz Balmaceda. The result is a penetrating, frank look at the state of contemporary Latin American literature by those who know it best.Las conversaciones que se reúnen en este volumen sirvieron como el enfoque del festival literario Fet a Amèrica que se realizó en 2010 en Barcelona y presenta 18 voces únicas de la literatura latinoamericana contemporánea. Autores de países incluyendo a Argentina, Chile, Colombia, México y Venezuela se emparejaron y fueron invitados a compartir sus reflexiones sobre el proceso creativo de escribir una novela; las discusiones subsiguientes fueron moderadas por la prometedora editora chilena Paz Balmaceda. El resultado es un vistazo franco y penetrante del estado actual de la literatura latinoamericana contemporánea por aquellos que mejor la conocen.

Author Biography

Paz Balmaceda is an editor who has worked on both fiction and nonfiction compilations, and she frequently contributes to various newspapers and magazines. Lolita Bosch is an award-winning Spanish author of books for adults and children whose work has been translated into English, German, Galician, Valencian, Basque, and Polish. She is the author of Ahora, escribo; Esto que ves es un rostro; La familia de mi padre; La persona que fuimos; and Tres historias europeas. Colectivo Fu is a reader’s cooperative based in Spain that seeks to increase the discussion about and dissemination of literature in Castilian and Catalan.