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100 Woods
100 Woods

100 Woods

A Guide to Popular Timbers of the World


224 Pages, 6.7 x 9.2

Trade Paper, $35.00 (US $35.00) (CA $39.00)

Publication Date: April 2006

ISBN 9781861268471

Rights: US, CA & MX

The Crowood Press (Apr 2006)
Crowood Press

Available from local and national retailers throughout the US.


100 Woods offers a detailed study of the basic properties and characteristics of some of the world's most widely-used woods. Features include over 300 color photographs showing tangential, radial, and magnified cross-sections of each wood; wood samples carefully selected and prepared by the Oxford Forestry Institute; quick-reference coding system giving advice on specific woods' suitability for difference uses; and a comprehensive index that includes Latin, trade, and vernacular names.