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100 consejos para gestionar el tiempo
100 consejos para gestionar el tiempo

100 consejos para gestionar el tiempo


128 Pages, 6.5 x 8

Formats: Cloth

Cloth, $15.95 (US $15.95) (CA $20.95)

Publication Date: May 2019

ISBN 9788416407484

Rights: US & CA

Cinco Tintas (May 2019)

Price: $15.95


Have you ever asked yourself what you would do if you had one more hour each day? And with an extra week each year? Short and inspirational, this book contains brief and simple recommendations that will help you decide what to do and how to do it without missing your most valuable hobbies. You will learn how to manage priorities, to determine what can wait, to say “no” to overwhelming things, and enjoy relaxing with others. 

Author Biography

Oliver Luke Delorie helps people of all ages become more creative, daring, and clever. He is an award-winning haiku writer and publishes an arts magazine. He lives in Vancouver.