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1.001 animales
1.001 animales

1.001 animales

Aves y mamíferos

Edited by Servilibro



208 Pages, 10.5 x 7.75

Cloth, $17.95 (US $17.95) (CA $23.95)

Publication Date: September 2011

ISBN 9788479718138

Rights: US & CA

Susaeta Ediciones, S.A. (Sep 2011)

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With hundreds of stunning color photographs, this guide assembles facts, figures, and trivia about a host of animals from around the world. Recognizable animals such as the goose, the peacock, and the squirrel are presented alongside more exotic creatures such as the genet, the platypus, and the alpine ibex. This is an excellent reference for all animal lovers.


Con cientos de magníficas fotografías a todo color, esta guía reúne las descripciones, características y curiosidades de una gran cantidad de animales de todo el planeta. Animales reconocibles como la oca, el pavo real y la ardilla se presentan junto con criaturas más exóticas como la jineta, el ornitorrinco y el íbice alpino. Ésta es una referencia excelente para los amantes de animales.

Author Biography

Servilibro, part of the Susaeta publishing group, is a publisher of books for both adults and children based in Spain.