Goldilocks must face the repercussions when her vlogging goes too far, in this hilarious cautionary tale for a new generation of internet-users
Everyone loves Goldilocks' hilarious online videos, but in her quest to get more likes, more laughs and more hits, she tries something a little more daring: stealing porridge #pipinghot, breaking chairs #fun, and using someone else's bed #sleep. What will Daddy Bear do when he sees that online? A hilarious cautionary tale for a new generation of internet-users from the prize-winning partnership of Jeanne Willis and Tony Ross.
"From the fantastic duo Jeanne Willis and Tony Ross comes another brilliant book full of sharp wit and lively illustrations . . . A fitting story for our digital age." —Scotsman
"A funny, contemporary twist on the traditional tale." —Bookseller
"Brilliance all round!" —LoveReading4Kids
"This has value way beyond a standard picture-book audience age range, and should be installed in every classroom in every primary and secondary school." —Book Trust
Author Biography
Jeanne Willis is the author of Never Too Little to Love. She and Tony Ross are the author-illustrator team of numerous books, including Chicken Clicking, Daft Bat, Dr Xargle's Book of Earthlets, I Hate School, Prince Charmless, and Tadpole's Promise.