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¿Qué es el counseling?
¿Qué es el counseling?

¿Qué es el counseling?

Una profesión de la ayuda. Cambio y desarrollo


128 Pages, 6.7 x 9.4

Formats: Saddle-Stitched

Saddle-Stitched, $10.95 (US $10.95) (CA $13.95)

Publication Date: March 2008

ISBN 9789876340298

Rights: WOR

Ediciones Lea (Mar 2008)

Price: $10.95


In this indispensable and accessible reference, Andrés Sánchez Bodas presents the history and development of counseling in Argentina and throughout the world.

Author Biography

Andrés Sánchez Bodas is an Argentinean therapist and professor. He studied psychology at the University of Buenos Aires and was responsible for the development of counseling as an academic discipline in Argentina.