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Una historia sobre la amabilidad


Un Mundo Mejor


32 Pages, 8.25 x 10.25

Formats: Cloth

Cloth, $19.95 (US $19.95) (CA $27.00)

Publication Date: July 2021

ISBN 9788417137458

Rights: US & CA

Vegueta Ediciones (Jul 2021)

Price: $19.95


Pásalo! is a story about kindness and generosity. It shows us how, together, we can create A Better World through the chain of favors. Victoria Furze reflects on the true concept of solidarity in these times, and the wonderful impact this has on society.

Author Biography

Victoria Furze was dedicated to traveling and diving around the world, and to drawing her travels, until she found an elephant in a jungle that changed her life. After two years completing her training with a master's degree in Illustration from the Cambridge School of Art, her first two illustrated albums, Hogar and Pásalo! have come to light.