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¿Humanos o posthumanos?
¿Humanos o posthumanos?

¿Humanos o posthumanos?

Singularidad tecnológica y mejoramiento humano



528 Pages, 6 x 9

Formats: Trade Paper

Trade Paper, $41.95 (US $41.95) (CA $49.95)

Publication Date: August 2017

ISBN 9788415518143

Rights: US & CA

Fragmenta Editorial (Aug 2017)

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Are we prepared to accept a human species that's been technologically improved through a radical transformation of its natural conditions? Is the irreversible transition from human to post-human already taking place? The authors, advocating a distinctly 21st-century humanism, offer an open and critical introduction to this technological shift, to transhumanism, and to the incorporation of the human body into emerging technologies such as nano and biotechnology, artificial intelligence, and robotics.

Author Biography

Miquel-Àngel Serra is a Spanish scientist. He holds a doctorate degree in biology from the University of Barcelona and manages research at the neuropharmacology laboratory at Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona. Albert Cortina is a Spanish lawyer and urbanist and directs the Estudio DTUM in Barcelona, an organization of professionals in the areas of law, territory, urbanism, and the environment.