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Where's the Zombie?
Where's the Zombie?

Where's the Zombie?


48 Pages, 8.5 x 11

Cloth, $9.95 (US $9.95) (CA $10.95)

Publication Date: February 2014

ISBN 9781843179436

Rights: US & CA

Michael O'Mara Books (Feb 2014)
Michael O'Mara

Available from local and national retailers throughout the US.


The fight for survival against zombies has begun! A thriller of a search book that is not for the faint of heart.
Readers will be amused, entertained, and terrified as they hunt for the family of zombies among the crowds. The virus is spreading and nowhere is safe. It's a scramble for survival as the number of zombies grows with every turn of the page. From a hospital under quarantine and an underground bunker, to a White House evacuation and full-scale battle in the streets, zombie fans will love this scary and supernatural search book. With 10 specific zombies to spot in every scene, readers can follow the story from outbreak to apocalypse, with tons of dark detail and gruesomely funny illustrations on every packed page.


"Where's the Zombie is a must have for any zombie fan and much fun for kids and adults."—Sacred Stiff Reviews

Author Biography

Michael O’Mara Books has established a reputation for high-profile autobiographies and biographies, innovative humor and nonfiction, and highly commercial children's books.