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Trees of Britain and Ireland
Trees of Britain and Ireland

Trees of Britain and Ireland


224 Pages, 8.5 x 10

Cloth, $32.95 (US $32.95) (CA $36.95)

Publication Date: October 2011

ISBN 9780565092955

Rights: US & CA

Natural History Museum, London (Oct 2011)

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Trees of Britain and Ireland is a celebration of the trees of these islands with portraits of all the major native species, their history and ecology, and our relationship with them. Published in association with The Tree Council, UK, Trees of Britain and Ireland contains all the essential facts about native trees, including where different trees grow naturally, the insects, fungi and animals that are associated with them, the traditional beliefs connected to them, how they are managed and what products are obtained from them. The book includes reference lists for each tree, and tables of information about the characteristics, associated species, diseases and altitude records. Edward Milner also brings together recent research on managing trees by scientists and historians to help build an up-to-date account of what we know and understand about Britain and Ireland’s native trees. All those interested and concerned about trees will treasure this beautiful book, which is illustrated in full color throughout.

Author Biography

A professional ecologist, Edward Milner has more than 40 years experience writing and making films about the natural world and environmental issues. At the BBC he produced films for the acclaimed Natural History Unit and the Open University. Since establishing ACACIA Productions in 1985 he has made films as an independent producer. He is a full member of the Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management, and the Environmental Research Group at University of East London. He is the patron of the Tree Trust for Haringey and was a patron of the Soil Association’s Responsible Forestry Programme.