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The Autobiography of a Super-tramp
The Autobiography of a Super-tramp

The Autobiography of a Super-tramp

Library of Wales


300 Pages, 5.25 x 8.5

Formats: Mobipocket, EPUB, Trade Paper

Trade Paper, $13.99 (US $13.99) (CA $14.99)

Publication Date: August 2013

ISBN 9781908946072

Rights: US, CA, SAM & CAR

Parthian Books Ltd. (Aug 2013)
Parthian Books


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A successful book in its time, now regarded as a classic, Autobiography of a Super-tramp relays the experiences of a young, destitute Welshman in America and Britain. The pen of W. H. Davies, vagabond and writer, reveals a fascinating picture of a vast, bustling continent intent on its own affairs and of a Britain on the cusp of change between old certainties and an uneasy future. Near the turn of the century, when he was 22, Davies’ restless spirit led him to the United States, where he worked around the country taking casual jobs where he could, thieving and begging where he couldn’t. His experiences were richly colored by the bullies, tricksters, and fellow adventurers he encountered—New Haven Baldy, Wee Shorty, the Indian Kid, and English Harry, to name but a few. He was thrown into prison in Michigan, beaten up in New Orleans, witnessed a lynching in Tennessee, and got drunk pretty well everywhere. A harrowing accident forced him to return to England and the seedy world of doss-houses and down-and-outs like Boozy Bob and Irish Tim. When George Bernard Shaw first read the manuscript of Davies’ adventures, he was stunned by the raw power of its unvarnished narrative.


“I have read it through from beginning to end and would have read more had there been any more to read.”  —George Bernard Shaw

“He found the people generous and the climate pleasant; he considers the United States an ideal place for tramps.” —New York Times

Author Biography

W. H. Davies (1871–1940) was a Welsh poet and writer who spent a significant part of his life as a vagabond in the United Kingdom and United States. He began publishing his own poetry in 1905 and became a popular poet in his time, mixing with leading figures of society.