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152 Pages, 5 x 7.5

Trade Paper, $15.95 (US $15.95) (CA $18.95)

Publication Date: April 2011

ISBN 9781852492786

Rights: US & CA

CAMRA Books (Apr 2011)

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From stock control to changing a tap—the last word on storing, keeping, and serving real ale

From stock control to changing a tap—the last word on storing, keeping, and serving real ale With real ale currently outperforming almost every other drink on the bar, and increased numbers of people trying it, there has never been a better time to master how to keep, store, and serve cask ale. Patrick O'Neill explains all ale-lovers need to know about running a good cellar and ensuring that each pint served does both pub and brewer proud. This book is a must-have book for professionals or students in the drinks trade, beer festival organizers, or enthusiastic amateurs wishing to serve real ale at a private party. Patrick O'Neill shares decades of experience, detailed technical expertise, and a lifetime of passionate enthusiasm for real ale. Step-by-step instructions, concise knowledge, interesting anecdotes, and a comprehensive glossary make this a book to keep and refer to time and time again.


"Even if you're not looking to work in a pub, you need this book to show you what goes on behind the scenes, and help you understand what to expect from a good pub.  Highly recommended!"  —World of Beers

"A great resource."  —The Boathouse Brewery (Columbus, Ohio)

Author Biography

Patrick O’Neill is a former engineer in the electronics industry. He has run CAMRA beer festivals and the bar and cellar of a busy Private Members Club.