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Don Batuta busca músicos para su orquesta
Don Batuta busca músicos para su orquesta

Don Batuta busca músicos para su orquesta


Jóvenes lectores


96 Pages, 5.75 x 8.5

Formats: Cloth

Cloth, $8.95 (US $8.95) (CA $10.95)

Publication Date: May 2015

ISBN 9788483433058

Rights: US & CA

Editorial Casals (May 2015)

Price: $8.95


Who really knows Mr. Batuta? Our reporter's mission: interview the eccentric, whimsical, scatterbrained orchestra conductor who believes he's the king of mambo. The rarest creature in the whole world's music scene! The protagonist of the story is ready to show just what Mr. Batuta is like—only the truth, no frills—when all of a sudden the phone rings. Who could it be?

Author Biography

María Menéndez-Ponte is the award-winning author of Nunca seré tu héroe, which won the Golden Book Award in 2006, and the coauthor of the Conecta con Pupi series. In 2007, she received the Cervantes Chico Prize. Marta Azcona is an author and a television writer. She is the author of Manual de amargados, maniáticos y depresivos and the children's book Un regalo diferente.